If anyone can help me with STATA code, I would really appreciate it.
I am very new to STATA and also statistics.

I want to compare the following ECM based forecasting model's out-of-sample forecasting ability with random walk's.
1. How can I generate random walk out-of-sample forecasts for various forecast horizons(1 quarter, 4quarters, 20quarters)?
2. How can I generate random walk out-of-sample forecasts with rolling regression(RO and AD) based on 20 quarters data for various forecast horizons(1 quarter, 4quarters, 20quarters)?
3. How can I generate ECM model out-of-sample forecasts with rolling regressions(RO and AS) based on 20 quarters data for various forecast horizons(1 quarter, 4quarters, 20quarters)?

If anyone can give me some advice, I would be sincerely appreciate it.
Thank you!.

The followings: 1. random walk 2. random walk with drift 3. ECM(error correction model)