Oceania Stata Conference 2022

Exploring the stories in your data with Stata

Using Stata’s powerful features and integrations to tell your data story

Call for speakers

The theme for the conference the 2022 is "Exploring the stories in your data with Stata: Using Stata's powerful features and integrations to tell your data story". The Scientific Committee is seeking speakers to present their innovative use of Stata's features. Papers on these topics would be especially appreciated:
  • Use of new Stata integrations (e.g. Python, Java or H20)
  • Application of new Bayesian models
  • Complex use of tables in automated reporting
  • Advanced use of Stata's difference in difference features
  • Demonstration of choice models, lasso or multivariate meta-analysis
  • Development of user written commands
  • Expert knowledge and presentation of information in Stata graphics
We are seeking presentations from 20-40 minutes in length discussing Stata in use or user-written commands for Stata.

Submit your abstract at www.surveydesign.com.au/osc2022


David White david.white@surveydesign.com.au, +61 457 356 748