I am trying to understand how to make a 2SLS with ivreg2 when there are interaction terms. In particular, I am now estimating the following:
* 2SLS regression
***Fist Stage
reg pres lond eng eur con age realgdpgr inflation lagdebt unemp emu interest sov, robust
predict pres_hat
reg fed lond eng eur con age realgdpgr inflation lagdebt unemp emu interest sov, robust
predict fed_hat
reg corp lond eng eurfrac con age realgdpgr inflation lagdebt unemp emu interest sov, robust
predict corp_hat
reg prop lond eng eurfrac con age realgdpgr inflation lagdebt unemp emu interest sov, robust
predict prop_hat
***Second Stage
reg deficit realgdpgr inflation unemp emu interest sov lagdebt pres_hat corp_hat prop_hat fed_hat, robust
reg deficit realgdpgr inflation unemp emu interest sov lagdebt c.pres_hat##c.corp_hat c.prop_hat##c.corp_hat c.fed_hat##c.corp_hat, robust
Where the variable of interet is deficit, the controls are realgdpgr inflation unemp emu interest sov lagdebt, while the intruments are lond eng eur con age and the intrumented pres, prop, corp and fed.
Now, if I use the above method everything seems to work fine. However, I would now like to use ivreg2:
ivreg2 deficit realgdpgr inflation unemp emu interest sov lagdebt (c.pres##c.corp c.prop##c.corp c.fed##c.corp= lond eng eur con age), robust
However, Stata says that there are no enough instruments. Could you help me understand where the mistake is and how to fix it?
Thank you!
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