I'm wondering if someone can help me with creating .dat-files from a stata dataset after I applied data-imputation.
I first imputed data:
mi register imputed attitude emp_scale serious_sce attrib selfeff colleg collef ///
leadership decision Harmful Powerimb Repetition Intention

mi impute mvn attitude emp_scale serious_sce attrib selfeff colleg collef ///
leadership decision Harmful Powerimb Repetition Intention = liketoint, ///
add(50) rseed (53421)

Subsequently, I saved these datafiles as .dta-files with:
forval i=1/50{
mi extract `i', clear
save mi_file`i',
restore, preserve

However, I would like to create the same files in .dat-file-types.. Is this possible?

I tried this:
foreach i in `_mi_m'{
use "C:\Users\Oct17.dta", clear

drop if _mi_m !=`i'

export delimited _mi_m using "C:\Users\\`i'\Oct17.dta",
replace delimiter(tab) nolabel novar
but it did not work, neither did this:

use "C:\Users\16oct.dta", clear

egen which = group(_mi_m), label
sum which, meanonly

forval i=1/`r(max)'{
local where : label (which) `i'
export delimited $vars if which==`i' using "C:\Users\`where'/DV/17okt.dat",
delimiter(tab) nolabel novar replace

I also tried to replace $vars with "_mi_m", but that did not work either. I do not understand how to export these 50 datafiles and create .dat-files at the same time, is this even possible? Thank you in advance for any help!