Color palette installation on stata
Hello everyone, These are some color palettes I can use for making beamer slides and after searching I haven't found anything on the internet about how I can install these colors in stata. I managed some coding from the paper where the authors uploaded how they used these same color palettes on stata - but looks like I'm getting syntax error after running the command :
\definecolor{mydeepblue}{RGB}{3, 53, 62}
\definecolor{myarticblue}{RGB}{2, 148, 165}
\definecolor{mybeige}{RGB}{167, 156, 147}
\definecolor{myred}{RGB}{193, 64, 61}
These are the commands I used to install these color pallettes on stata :
*! version 1.0.1 19nov2018 *
label "myarticblue"
label resource "COLOR-MYARTICBLUE"
Each time I recived the syntax error - invaloid syntax r(198). Could anyone shed some light on this? thanks in advance !
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