I am working on a Stata package that I am storing on GitHub ( https://github.com/NickCH-K/MLRtime )

I'm running into the issue that, while my help files look fine on my local machine, once I push them to GitHub and then install the package using either
net install
github install
from the github package, using
to access the help files produces corrupt and non-working help files. Random text gets dropped, some SMCL tags aren't implemented, and at a certain point down the page, the SMCL stops getting parsed entirely. This occurs for nearly every help file.

Further, when I open up the installed-from-GitHub help files in the Do file editor and hit View, they work again. So "View" from the do-file editor works fine, but
does not. This implies that maybe there's a text-encoding or line-ending thing going on that the Do file editor corrects for when it opens the file maybe?

The help files viewed from hitting View in the Do file editor (click to enlarge):

And that same file from typing "help parsnip"


Here is the file in question (although again, this happens with all my help files): https://github.com/NickCH-K/MLRtime/.../parsnip.sthlp I recognize this isn't a particularly minimal example, but since I'm fairly certain this doesn't have much to do with the code itself (since it shows up perfectly fine with View) I'm not sure how important that is. I do sorta notice the problem pops up more often with longer help files but that could be my imagination.

Any help is appreciated, thank you.