
I have been having a number of issues with my graphics in Stata (16, updated with every new update) as of the last few weeks. A number of certain types of specifications I make to a given graph in my code won't have any effect or show up in the graph. This includes mlabcolor and mlabsize (although NOT mlab itself). With mlabcolor, no matter what color I specify, it appears black. And I tried ado uninstall any new packages that might have been a culprit as well as a number of different set schemes, including the defaults. I can't even edit the label color manually in the Graph Editor. I was wondering if anyone else has had a similar problem lately (with this or any other graph options). I only started having the problem a few weeks ago, so I think it must be related to an update, but in case not I am posting my code and appreciate any and all suggestions!

Thanks so much,

twoway (scatter dlogwh ln_gdp_2018, ms(i) mlabel(CountryCode) mlabcolor(red) graphregion(color(white)) ylabel(0(0.05)0.12, glcolor(dimgray) glwidth(thin)) xlabel(, labgap(2.5)) ytitle("dlog(W{subscript:h})") xtitle("Log GDP (2018, USD PPP)") title("Total effect", size(medium))) (lfit dlogwh ln_gdp_2018, legend(off) caption("R^2 = `r2'" "Slope = `b'" "SE = `se'") lwidth(medthin) lcolor(black))