* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
input str1 var1 float group
"a" 1
"b" 1
"c" 1
"d" 1
"e" 1
"a" 2
"b" 2
"c" 2
"e" 2
"a" 3
"b" 3
"c" 3
"d" 3
"e" 3
"a" 4
"c" 4
"d" 4
"e" 4
------------------ copy up to and including the previous line ------------------
How to Insert a blank line after each group according to the group?
insob 1, after(_N) // An empty line can be inserted at the end, but it cannot be grouped

the data that i wanted are as follows:

"a" 1
"b" 1
"c" 1
"d" 1
"e" 1

"a" 2
"b" 2
"c" 2
"e" 2

"a" 3
"b" 3
"c" 3
"d" 3
"e" 3

"a" 4
"c" 4
"d" 4
"e" 4