I am using the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (NLSCY) Cycle 1 from Statistics Canada. I am trying to tabulate how many low-income children attended daycare, so that I can later assess school-readiness. Of course, I need to weight these tabulations, and from what I have seen I need to use pweights (although I am thinking that fweights may be appropriate too?).

The NLSCY microdata guide says that the weighted variable to use is "AWTCW01" or 'Child Weight" (link to their microdata guide: https://www23.statcan.gc.ca/imdb/p2S...Survey&Id=3513 at bottom).

I set up svy using the Statistics Canada guidelines (apparently) (using BRR). (see their powerpoint: https://www.stata.com/meeting/canada09/ca09_keown.pptx).

The code I seem to need to use is: svyset _n [pweight=AWTCW01], vce(brr) singleunit(missing)

Then I svy:tab ACRCQ1G.

Error appears: option hadamard() required when brrweights are not svyset

Does anybody who has worked with Statistics Canada surveys before, or know ANYTHING about what I need to do please help me out?

Thank you so much