Hi everyone,

If I run a mixed model using one of the me comands such as:
menbreg y i.x ||j: ||k:
the contents of e(b) are listed as follows:
. matrix list e(b)

               y:            y:            y:      lnalpha:  var(_cons~):  var(_cons~):
              1b.            2.                                                        
               x             x         _cons         _cons         _cons         _cons
y1             0    -2.1987434     1.8654885    -.68281402     .52698979     .60058556
Specifying most of these parameters in lincom or nlcom is straightforward, but how do you do so for the variance components listed as var(_cons~):_cons? I cannot see how to do this in the manual (Section 13.5) and I haven't been able to guess the correct form.

I know that I can extract the value using matrix and el() function, but this isn't helpful in this situation

