
I have different do files in a folder (let's call dofile1.do, dofile2.do and dofile3.do). I am creating a new do file (let's call DEF.do) in which I would like to run the do files and different codes that I am doing. Is it possible to do it? To run the do files I am trying the following command:

do "$dofile1.do"

"$C:\Users\ogeid\Desktop\Master Thesis UCLouvain\ACLED\Proofs\dofile1.do"
where C:\Users\ogeid\Desktop\Master Thesis UCLouvain\ACLED\Proofs is the path where dofile1.do is (the same path where I am running the do file DEF.do.

Both of them give me an error. The first one code says "file .do not found" and the second code says "file :\Users\ogeid\Desktop\Master Thesis UCLouvain\ACLED\Proofs\my_spatial_2sls.do not found"

