Second-opinion on Stata-code and request for suggestions on how to see AAR per day

Hi all,

Thanks for taking the time to review my post. The reason why I am posting is for two reasons:

- To hear other opinions on how I could improve my code

- To find out how to see the AAR per day (including T-stat) and show this in a graph.

Goal of the analysis:

Event study on log. relative bid-ask spread to uncover the effect of stock splits on the liquidity of a stock, as measured by the relative bid-ask spread.

My data is organised as follows:

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input long PERMNO float(date LogRSpread) int eventdate float tau
10443 18546  -4.139922 18644 -98
10443 18547  -3.937159 18644 -97
10443 18548  -5.106545 18644 -96
10443 18549  -4.833041 18644 -95
10443 18550 -3.3638716 18644 -94
10443 18553 -4.3248663 18644 -91
10443 18554  -3.876368 18644 -90
10443 18555  -4.095077 18644 -89
10443 18556  -5.602118 18644 -88
10443 18557  -4.437783 18644 -87
10443 18560  -3.973706 18644 -84
10443 18561  -3.941876 18644 -83
10443 18562 -3.9787896 18644 -82
10443 18563  -5.635691 18644 -81
10443 18564  -8.824466 18644 -80
10443 18567  -4.647195 18644 -77
10443 18568  -3.784191 18644 -76
10443 18569  -4.648323 18644 -75
10443 18570  -3.005592 18644 -74
10443 18571  -3.880131 18644 -73
10443 18574  -4.236179 18644 -70
10443 18575  -4.472607 18644 -69
10443 18576  -3.666538 18644 -68
10443 18577   -4.55462 18644 -67
10443 18578          . 18644 -66
10443 18581   -5.78016 18644 -63
10443 18582  -4.905274 18644 -62
10443 18583  -4.905274 18644 -61
10443 18584  -5.826015 18644 -60
10443 18585  -8.814454 18644 -59
10443 18588 -4.3228674 18644 -56
10443 18589  -4.164725 18644 -55
10443 18590          . 18644 -54
10443 18592  -2.643828 18644 -52
10443 18595 -4.3546066 18644 -49
10443 18596 -2.2618823 18644 -48
10443 18597 -2.6097634 18644 -47
10443 18598  -2.397116 18644 -46
10443 18599  -2.476103 18644 -45
10443 18602  -2.489985 18644 -42
10443 18603   -2.77158 18644 -41
10443 18604  -3.832982 18644 -40
10443 18605  -3.033568 18644 -39
10443 18606  -3.403029 18644 -38
10443 18609 -3.1247175 18644 -35
10443 18610  -3.317936 18644 -34
10443 18611 -4.3353453 18644 -33
10443 18612  -3.108409 18644 -32
10443 18613  -2.902453 18644 -31
10443 18616  -2.972753 18644 -28
10443 18617 -3.0790806 18644 -27
10443 18618 -3.1436265 18644 -26
10443 18619 -3.0012724 18644 -25
10443 18623 -3.0027125 18644 -21
10443 18624  -3.574251 18644 -20
10443 18625  -3.207905 18644 -19
10443 18626 -3.8843596 18644 -18
10443 18627  -3.381081 18644 -17
10443 18630  -3.580943 18644 -14
10443 18631  -4.295885 18644 -13
10443 18632  -3.785299 18644 -12
10443 18633 -3.8042226 18644 -11
10443 18634 -3.7517455 18644 -10
10443 18637 -4.0900326 18644  -7
10443 18638          . 18644  -6
10443 18639  -5.146551 18644  -5
10443 18640  -3.951028 18644  -4
10443 18641  -4.850204 18644  -3
10443 18645 -3.8299186 18644   1
10443 18646  -2.924186 18644   2
10443 18647  -3.884683 18644   3
10443 18648 -4.2708616 18644   4
10443 18651  -3.234684 18644   7
10443 18652  -3.364364 18644   8
10443 18653 -3.3640034 18644   9
10443 18654 -4.1229324 18644  10
10892 20128  -3.407737 20226 -98
10892 20129  -3.805487 20226 -97
10892 20130  -3.948497 20226 -96
10892 20131 -3.1768684 20226 -95
10892 20132  -4.453464 20226 -94
10892 20136 -3.8792624 20226 -90
10892 20137 -4.2115464 20226 -89
10892 20138 -4.1630406 20226 -88
10892 20139  -3.912282 20226 -87
10892 20142 -4.5297427 20226 -84
10892 20143  -4.534513 20226 -83
10892 20144 -4.4456244 20226 -82
10892 20145 -4.2594748 20226 -81
10892 20146 -4.3434205 20226 -80
10892 20149 -4.1756773 20226 -77
10892 20150  -3.515802 20226 -76
10892 20151  -3.584601 20226 -75
10892 20152 -4.6016974 20226 -74
10892 20153  -3.595833 20226 -73
10892 20156 -4.4499717 20226 -70
10892 20157 -3.7702174 20226 -69
10892 20158  -4.390059 20226 -68
10892 20159  -4.153621 20226 -67
10892 20160 -4.1874175 20226 -66
format %td date
format %tdnn/dd/CCYY eventdate
In order to get to the desired results, I have used the following code:
local Initialdate_str="2000-01-01"
local Finaldate_str="2020-12-31"
local PathDataOutput = "\\\files\home\home01\u897141\Master\Thesis\LiqES"
local EstWindStart = -100
local EstWindEnd = -10
local EventWindStart = 0
local EventWindEnd = 10
local Distance = `EventWindEnd' - `EstWindStart' + 1
import excel "T:\HR\Urenstaten\Roman\ThesisBackUpFiles\LiqEventStudy\PERMNOSplitDate.xlsx", sheet("Sheet1")
rename A PERMNO
rename B eventdate
egen eventid = group(eventdate PERMNO)
expand `Distance'
bys eventid: gen tau = _n + `EstWindStart' -1
gen date = eventdate+tau
format date %td
tempfile DateFile
save `DateFile', replace
import excel "T:\HR\Urenstaten\Roman\ThesisBackUpFiles\LiqEventStudy\CleanedExtractFromWRDS.xlsx", sheet("Sheet1") firstrow clear
format date %td
merge m:1 PERMNO date using `DateFile'
drop if missing(eventid)
drop if missing(Combined)
gen LogRSpread = ln(RelativeSpread)

egen group_id = group(PERMNO)
gen mean=.
qui levelsof PERMNO,local(fid)
foreach fid in `fid' {
sum LogRSpread if tau<=`EstWindEnd' & tau>=`EstWindStart' & PERMNO==`fid'
replace mean = r(mean) if PERMNO==`fid'
drop _merge
sort PERMNO date
gen Abn = LogRSpread - mean
sum Abn if tau <=`EstWindEnd'
drop if tau<=`EstWindEnd'
collapse (sum) Abn, by(group_id PERMNO)
qui levelsof PERMNO, local(listfirms)
foreach ff in `listfirms'{
qui sum Abn if PERMNO==`ff'
reg Abn
The above code does seem to generate the desired results, but up until now I am having a hard time verifying whether the code I use (and thus the results) are actually correct.

Furthermore, I would like to see the AAR and accompanying T-stat per day, and produce a nice list so I can make a graph in Excel. Unfortunately, I have not been able to do so..

Really hope someone has an idea on how to achieve this.

Thanks a lot for reading,