Hi all,

My data set consist of three dependent variables post-crisis reputation, post-crisis anger and post-crisis cpi which are measured after the treatment (post-test) but I also measured these variables before the treatment (pre-test). As my pretest variables (pre reputation, pre-anger, pre-cpi) also correlate with each other and with the post-test dependent variables, I was wondering if someone could give me advice on which multivariate pre-test post test technique I should use as I can't find any good sources or examples on the internet. Now, I used independent t-test gain score technique but I don't think that is the right method given the correlations between those variables.

Table 4: Correlation results
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
(1) Crisis strategy 1
(2) Pre-reputation -.012 1
(3) Pre-anger -.042 -.453** 1
(4) Pre-cpi -.081 .207* -.405** 1
(5) Post-reputation -.167 .394** -.064 .135 1
(6) Post-CPI -.101 .204* -.176 .622** .444** 1
(7) Post- anger .102 -.415** .479** -.305** -.536** -.311** 1
(8) Crisis responsibility -.036 -.356** .394** -.221* -.055 -.084 .274** 1
(9) Crisis involvement -.194* -.300** .512** -.254** .015 .012 .258** .251** 1
(10) Gender -.040 -.224* .292** -.059 -.003 .052 .141 .133 .285** 1
(11) Employment -.148 .101 -.086 -.011 -.012 .083 .003 -.100 -.010 -.322** 1
(12) Age -.089 -.089 -.105 .069 -.192* .008 -.005 -.037 -.095 -.363** .578** 1
(13) Prior reputation -.065 .276** -.053 .135 .246* .215* -.282** -.207* -.061 .035 .018 -.017 1
Note: Crisis strategy 0= compensation, 1= apology, *p<0.05, **p<0.01

Thanks in advance!