Hi all,

so my problem is the following. I am creating this difference: valore_aggiunto_`k'[1]- valore_aggiunto_`k'[15] within a for loop. This difference consists in a number. Since i = 0.02(0.05)5.5, I have 110 of these numbers.
the code generating them looks as follows:

local k=0
forvalues i = 0.02(0.05)5.5{
    quietly gen v_a_`k'= median_log_sales_norm if normaliz==1
    quietly replace v_a = median_log_sales_norm/(1+`i')^1 if normal==2
    quietly replace v_a = median_log_sales_norm/(1+`i')^2 if normal==3
    quietly replace v_a = median_log_sales_norm/(1+`i')^3 if normal==4
    quietly replace v_a = median_log_sales_norm/(1+`i')^4 if normal==5
    quietly egen valore_aggiunto_`k' = sum(v_a), by(Tech)
    di "The diff. in valori aggiunti with tasso `i' is:"valore_aggiunto_`k'[1]- valore_aggiunto_`k'[15]
    quietly drop v_a_`k' valore_aggiunto_`k'
    quietly local k=`k'+1
and the dataset is:

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input str14 Tech float(normalized_year median_log_sales_norm)
"Cell"           1 .063966386
"Cell"           2   .0805286
"Cell"           3   .1054098
"Cell"           4  .12791473
"Cell"           5   .1911684
"Gene"           1 .014278216
"Gene"           2  .02447586
"Gene"           3  .03772044
"Gene"           4   .0517167
"Gene"           5  .07924227
"Monoc_antibody" 1 .008099749
"Monoc_antibody" 2 .013124235
"Monoc_antibody" 3 .016857458
"Monoc_antibody" 4  .02265201
"Monoc_antibody" 5 .031008275
having 15 observations.
Now, what I would like to do is to make a plot with y-axis the 110 values valore_aggiunto_`k'[1]- valore_aggiunto_`k'[15], and as x-axis the 110 values of the i (an interest rate).
I thought about defining a global variable or a tempfile, but did not manage to do that.

Can you please help me?

Thank you,
