Dear statalists,

I am currently working to extract specific variables from the British Househould Panel Survey (BHPS) to create a personalised dataset. Following the guidelines in an online manual (, I run the following code:

foreach w in h i j k l m n o p q r {
use `w'j1cssf `w'hid `w'j1rgsc `w'j1sec `w'j1seg `w'j1soc_cc `w'j1none using `w'indresp, clear
renpfix `w'
gen wave = strpos("abcdefghijklmnopqr","`w'")
sort hid
save $dir3/wavehon`w', replace

STATA produced the following output:

invalid 'h'

I can't quite figure out what the problem is, as I don't think I specified a variable called "h" in my code.

Thank you very much in advance to anyone who will spend their time answering my question!