
I have what I think is a simple problem but I cannot seem to solve: I want to graph just the 3 letter month on the axis but when I graph the date variable, it is recognized as the wrong month (and year) on the x-axis June of 3700's through April of 3800's?

What am I doing wrong?

input str18 Month    Outcome
"January 15, 2020"    1
"February 15, 2020"    4
"March 15, 2020"    3
"April 15, 2020"    1
"May 15, 2020"    5
"June 15, 2020"    2
"July 15, 2020"    1
"August 15, 2020"    2
"September 15, 2020"    4
"October 15, 2020"    8
"November 15, 2020"    3
"December 15, 2020"    1


generate date=date(Month, "MDY")

twoway line Outcome date , xlabel(21929(30.4)22264, format(%tmMon))