
I am using large datasets (~15Gb), which I cannot use in my local computer due to space limitations. Therefore I have the data and their respective load files (do files) in an external hard drive. However, I am not sure why I am not able to use or save any files in any directory that is not the immediate directory I "cd" 'd to .

For example, I set directory to my external hard drive's "folder 1"

.cd "/Volumes/external hard drive/folder 1"
/Volumes/external hard drive/folder 1

. pwd
/Volumes/external hard drive/folder 1
However, I cannot work with any files in any other folder in the hard drive any files in the external hard drive:

. run "/Volumes/external hard drive/folder1/sub-folder 1/ specific-do-file.do"
file /Volumes/external hard drive/folder1/sub-folder 1/ specific-do-file.do not found
I get a similar error when attempting to save files:

. save "/Volumes/external hard drive/folder1/sub-folder 1/testsavedata.dta", replace
(file /Volumes/external hard drive/folder1/sub-folder 1/testsavedata.dta not found)
file /Volumes/external hard drive/folder1/sub-folder 1/testsavedata.dta could not be opened
However, running do files and saving the results works when attempting to do them in the original directory. Can you guide as to why I am not able to use sub-directories in the main chosen directory in my external hard drive? I am using a Mac OS for this project.

Thank you for the support!