Hi everyone,
I am having an unexpected error warning "_lambda_varname invalid name".
I am using STATA 17 for mac.
For quick background: I am running meta-regression analyses using the robumeta package.
For the analyses, I centered two continous variables using the mcenter command. This worked fine for both variables and they were saved as new variables.
*Variable 1: dosage_session
mcenter dosage_session
Variable | Obs Mean Std. dev. Min Max
C_dosage_s~n | 3,556 7.08e-16 4.989599 -9.036232 49.96377
*Variable 2: attended_session_perc
mcenter attended_session_perc
Variable | Obs Mean Std. dev. Min Max
C_attended~c | 1,154 -7.45e-17 .193971 -.5968094 .2731906
Here comes my problem:
When I am running the meta-regression analyses I receive an error warning only for the second variable C_attended_session_perc
This is the error:
_forlambda_C_attended_session_perc invalid name
This does not happen with C_dosage_session. I tried renaming the variable to centered_attended_session and the same error occurred --> _lambda_centered_attended_session invalid name
I tried a lot of googling but I haven't found any helpful forum entry, so I am trying statalist for the first time.
Thank you so very much for your help!
All the best,
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