
I am trying to get the regression result of a structure model (which include three equations) through "cmp".

the structure model is below
 (OLS model)X= Shock_dummy_variable + Firm Fixed effect + year Fixed effect
(Tobit model)B= X + Firm Fixed effect + year Fixed effect
(Tobit model)Y= B + X + Firm Fixed effect + year Fixed effect
and the code is

cmp ($x = Shock_dummy_variable i.company_ID i.year) ($B = $x i.company_ID i.year) ($y = $B $x i.company_ID i.year),  ///
indicators($cmp_cont "cond($RD>0, $cmp_cont, $cmp_left)" "cond($y>0, $cmp_cont, $cmp_left)") qui
eststo:estpost margins, dydx ($B $x) predict(ystar(0 .) eq(#3)) force
estimates store ${file_name}_${y}_3

cmp ($x = Shock_dummy_variable i.company_ID i.year) ($B = $x i.company_ID i.year) ($y = $B $x i.company_ID i.year),  ///
indicators($cmp_cont "cond($RD>0, $cmp_cont, $cmp_left)" "cond($y>0, $cmp_cont, $cmp_left)") qui
eststo:estpost margins, dydx ($x) predict(ystar(0 .) eq(#2)) force
estimates store ${file_name}_${y}_2

cmp ($x = Shock_dummy_variable i.company_ID i.year) ($B = $x i.company_ID i.year) ($y = $B $x i.company_ID i.year),  ///
indicators($cmp_cont "cond($RD>0, $cmp_cont, $cmp_left)" "cond($y>0, $cmp_cont, $cmp_left)") qui
eststo:estpost margins, dydx (Shock_dummy_variable) 
estimates store ${file_name}_${y}_1

reg2docx  ${file_name}_${y}_1 ${file_name}_${y}_2 ${file_name}_${y}_3  using ${file_name}_${y}.docx, replace scalars(N) brackets ///
order (Shock_dummy_variable $B $x) ///
indicate("Country Fixed Effects=Country" "Industry Fixed Effects=Industry" "Year Fixed Effects=year") b(%8.3f) se(%8.3f)
however, I cannot the result through this code.

In the beginning, I got below

"       _mopt_matsum_xy():   103  Stata returned error

 moptimize_util_matsum():     -  function returned error

      opt__eval_nr_lf1():     -  function returned error

             opt__eval():     -  function returned error

opt__looputil_iter0_common():     -  function returned error

opt__looputil_iter0_nr():     -  function returned error

          opt__loop_nr():     -  function returned error

             opt__loop():     -  function returned error

            _moptimize():     -  function returned error

           Mopt_maxmin():     -  function returned error

                 <istmt>:     -  function returned error

too many variables specified

too many variables specified"
after I use
set maxvar 32767, permanently
to increase the maximum variables and run the code again, the log shows
Fitting individual models as starting point for full model fit.

Fitting constant-only model for LR test of overall model fit.

Fitting full model.
But still cannot produce the result.

Could you please give me some advice about it? Is there any error in my code? and what should I do about this?

thanks in advance.