Hello everyone,

I am working on a dataset containing daily stock returns of more than 3000 firms and 4 factors of Carhart between 1995 and 2021. Here is an example of my dataset:
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input float date double(MktRF SMB HML WML) long firm float(return firm_number)
22077 -5.91  -.83 -3.06  3.51 1  -.000952381 1
22078  1.29   .36  1.86 -1.24 1   .020019066 1
22081  1.09  1.42  -.41    .8 1    .05560748 1
22082  1.86   .63   .48 -1.05 1   .013722886 1
22083   -.4  -.91 -1.98  1.94 1  -.036681224 1
22084   .19    .1  -.56   .37 1  -.033998188 1
22085  -.45   .09  -.64   .97 1     .0950258 1
22088   .71   .83 -1.44  1.12 1   -.07285194 1
22089   .42   .14  -.56   .03 1   -.02796395 1
22090 -2.61   -.5  -1.3  1.72 1   .010936757 1
22091  1.12   .26   .49   .36 1     -.065381 1
22092 -2.44   .18 -1.42   .66 1    .01912431 1
22095  1.51  1.22  1.77  -.92 1  -.011358025 1
22096  1.58   .07     0   .67 1    .04145854 1
22097   .41 -1.24 -2.51  1.27 1    .01918465 1
22098    .5  -.01  -.09  -.28 1   .031058824 1
22102  1.65  -.61   .37  -.16 1  .0027384756 1
22103 -1.03  -.51 -1.53  1.43 1    .03186163 1
22104   .91   .31  -.46  1.06 1  -.033965595 1
22105  -.53   -.9 -2.59  1.91 1   .011872146 1
22106  1.11  -.13  3.03 -1.18 1    .03790614 1
22109  -1.2  -.78  1.99 -1.47 1    .04478261 1
22110  1.35   .36  -.34   .15 1    .06325427 1
22111  1.14   2.4  1.28  -1.7 1    .04931507 1
22112  -.37  -.37   .79  -.25 1   .004848937 1
22113    .3   .18 -1.41  1.12 1  -.034149963 1
22116  1.01  -.43 -2.38  2.21 1  -.001537279 1
22117   .16   .83  3.23 -1.72 1   .027713627 1
22118   .49  -.58  -.34   .41 1   -.05243446 1
22119  -1.2   .72  1.92 -1.12 1  -.005533597 1
22120  -.75  -.79   .46  -.26 1   .007551669 1
22123   .88   .78 -1.94  1.76 1            . 1
21804   .22   -.3  -.17   .44 2  -.009099526 2
21805  -.01     0   .75  -.97 2     .0560551 2
21808  -.23   .93    .5  -.82 2    .02862319 2
21809   .17   -.6 -1.22  1.57 2    .09193378 2
21810  -.05  -.74   .06   .71 2   -.01419355 2
21811  -.05  -.43  -.45   .42 2   -.01014398 2
21812  -.48    .3   .16   .13 2  -.002809917 2
21815  -.02  -.18   .51   .45 2   -.09995028 2
21816 -1.01  -.75   .02  1.08 2   -.02836096 2
21817   .69   .36   .53   -.5 2    -.0525019 2
21818  -.41  -.97   .12   .56 2    .02080416 2
21819  -.62  -.36   .88  -.65 2   -.01234568 2
21822    .5  -.15  -.48  -.04 2   -.06686508 2
21823 -1.31  -.47  -.61   .48 2  -.020412503 2
21824 -1.73   .87  -.35   .53 2     .0444975 2
21825    .8   -.2  -.91   .39 2      .069202 2
21826  1.39  -.49  -.09   .55 2   -.02118562 2
21829  -.41   .16  -.02  -.01 2  -.016084194 2
21830 -1.61  -.14  -.12    .4 2   .009283552 2
21831   .92  -.53  -.12   .34 2   -.03139372 2
21832   .59   -.4   .27  -.43 2   .017753921 2
21833  1.23   .49   .19 -1.01 2   .019472616 2
21836  -.18  -.33  -.06   .05 2   -.03183446 2
21837  1.03   .26  -.23  -.18 2    .05076038 2
21838  -.24   .39   .23  -.26 2   .014864072 2
21839   .37   .81  -.28  -.07 2   .011755637 2
21840  -.49  -.38    .9  -.03 2   .016380953 2
21843   .71   .18   .33  -.61 2     .0238006 2
21844  -.34   .21   .88   -.8 2    .07321984 2
21845   .25  -.09   .25  -.53 2   -.03087157 2
21846   .26  -.26  -.91   .77 2   -.07602957 2
21847    .5   .28   .08  -.25 2    .06761905 2
21850   .62   .27  -.25  -.11 2  -.023015166 2
21851  -.13   .28   .46   .03 2    .05368882 2
21852   .27  -.39 -1.17   .79 2   .005199307 2
21853  -.38  -.27  -.31   .36 2   .004310345 2
21854  1.08   .45   .79  -.61 2    -.0072103 2
21857    .4   .05  1.39 -1.45 2   -.04323016 2
21858  -.03   .24   .49  -.85 2   -.02295319 2
21859  -.05   -.7   .18   .18 2    .02256752 2
21860   .38  -.12   .53  -.65 2  .0079594795 2
21861   .31    .1  -.38     0 2     .0821967 2
21864  -.19  -.01  -.21   .57 2  -.010779436 2
21865   .16  -.11  -.14   .28 2     .0217938 2
21866   .01  -.22  -.82  1.03 2    .04183757 2
21867   .07  -.12  -.26   .42 2    .06850394 2
21868   .74  -.21  -.35   -.2 2   -.09594695 2
21871   .02  -.36  -.51   .71 2    .05004891 2
21872   .02   .59  -.96   .12 2  -.013351964 2
21873  -.33   .02  -.45   .11 2  -.027380016 2
21874  -.14  -.32   .12  -.46 2   .033166155 2
21875   .24   .05   .24  -.31 2   .033510804 2
21878   .92  1.31   -.4  -.12 2   -.02969697 2
21879   .19   .05  -.89   .58 2  -.023110555 2
21880   .44   .23  -.05  -.12 2   .037244245 2
21882  -.42  -.04  -.33   .04 2 -.0021574972 2
21885  -.87  -.25   .52  -.22 2   .003243243 2
21886  -.66    .6  -.83   .39 2  -.021705665 2
21887    .6   .11   .25  -.09 2  -.014791503 2
21888   .13  -.24   .48   .18 2   .012777512 2
21889   .91   .24    .4  -.17 2 -.0033117805 2
21892  -.33   .36   .12  -.16 2    .04351266 2
21893  -.08   .29  -.11   .09 2  -.011978772 2
21894   .28  -.08    .1   .15 2   -.05555556 2
21895    .9  -.11  1.16  -.68 2  -.009262268 2
21896  -.03   -.3  -.54   .36 2    .01672954 2
21899   .74   .07  -.04   .05 2   .000483949 2
21900    .1   .42   .68  -.15 2    .12399226 2
format %td date
label values firm firm
label def firm 1 "1-800-Flowers.Com Inc", modify
label def firm 2 "10X Genomics Inc", modify
Please note that you are only seeing some observations of only 2 firms.

I want to store the estimated coefficients each time when I regress a firm's returns against the 4 factors of Carhart and I tried the following code.
gen b_MktRF = .
gen b_SMB = .
gen b_HML = .
gen b_WML = .

* Loop through each firm to regress the firm's stock reurns againts 4 factors
foreach y of var firm {
    quietly regress return MktRF SMB HML WML if firm == `y'
    replace b_MktRF =_b[MktRF]   if firm== `y'
    replace b_SMB=_b[SMB] if firm == `y'
    replace b_HML=_b[HML] if firm == `y'
    replace b_WML=_b[WML] if firm == `y'
Normally, I should obtain the respective estimated coefficients of each firm while looping through time-series of firms' returns.That is to say the values of b_MktRF-b_WML should be different for each firm. However, when I run my code, the variables b_MktRF -b_WML are filled with the same values .

Could someone identify the problems in my code and help me find the solution please? Thank you in advance for your time and generous help!