Dear Statalist community:

I have a logit model predicting DV (0 or 1) with two continuous independent variables, X1 and X2 where I also include an interaction term between X1 and X2.

I find thatX1*X2 is statistically significant. I would like to plot the predicted probabilities of DV on the y-axis, the full range of values of X1 on the x-axis, and two predicted probabilities conditional on two specified values of X2.

How can I know and then plot the range of X1 where the predicted probabilities of DV at the lower value of X2 is statistically significant from predicted probabilities of DV at the higher value of X2?

The lower and higher values of X2 are my own specifications based on the distribution of X2 in my sample.

I have studies the margins command but cannot find the proper sub command.

Thank you very much!