Hi all,

I am running the following code:
gen lasso1=.
replace lasso1 = max_la_score- (-0.8825) if max_la_score~=.
capture erase "`tables'crime_lasso1.txt"
foreach v of varlist open_case open_casefam adjdel crime_ind open_caseyear open_casefamyear adjdel_year crime_indyear {
local model1= "race_black race_white race_missing child_age_under1 child_age_under4 child_age_4_6 child_age_7_12 child_age_13_17 ethnicity_hisp single_parent_alone single_parent_other_adults no_parent sibling_dummy1 sibling_dummy2 sibling_dummy3 sibling_dummy4
rdrobust `v' lasso1 if lasso1!=., covs(`model1') p(1) c(0) bwselect(mserd)  
outreg2 using "`tables'crime_lasso1.xls"
I keep getting the following error: " rdrobust() not able to compute the loc. poly. bandwidth (h) above the threshold. Please run rdbwselect() for more information"

When I run rdbwselect, what happens is that it runs but shows missing "dots" in the mserd, etc columns, as if it cannot compute bandwidths. Any idea why?