Data is as shown below:
input byte id float time int conc str8 diet float(elim pred lnalcohol pred_rep) 1 3 75 "noGuar" .31319055 4.3103285 4.317488 4.4182615 1 3.5 64 "noGuar" .31319055 4.1537333 4.158883 4.2178164 1 4 53 "noGuar" .31319055 3.997138 3.970292 4.0173717 1 4.5 47 "noGuar" .31319055 3.840543 3.8501475 3.816927 1 5 40 "noGuar" .31319055 3.6839476 3.6888795 3.616482 1 3.5 65 "withGuar" .28823623 4.18296 4.1743875 4.2178164 1 4 57 "withGuar" .28823623 4.0388417 4.0430512 4.0173717 1 4.5 50 "withGuar" .28823623 3.894724 3.912023 3.816927 1 5 42 "withGuar" .28823623 3.7506056 3.73767 3.616482 2 3 82 "noGuar" .4008896 4.4182615 4.406719 4.4182615 2 3.5 68 "noGuar" .4008896 4.2178164 4.2195077 4.2178164 2 4 57 "noGuar" .4008896 4.0173717 4.0430512 4.0173717 2 4.5 45 "noGuar" .4008896 3.816927 3.8066626 3.816927 2 5 37 "noGuar" .4008896 3.616482 3.610918 3.616482 2 1.33 122 "withGuar" .22233166 4.846237 4.804021 5.087747 2 1.67 124 "withGuar" .22233166 4.770644 4.820282 4.951445 2 2 108 "withGuar" .22233166 4.697274 4.6821313 4.819151 2 2.5 103 "withGuar" .22233166 4.5861087 4.634729 4.618706 2 3 92 "withGuar" .22233166 4.4749427 4.5217886 4.4182615 2 3.5 65 "withGuar" .22233166 4.3637767 4.1743875 4.2178164 2 4 75 "withGuar" .22233166 4.252611 4.317488 4.0173717 2 4.5 68 "withGuar" .22233166 4.141445 4.2195077 3.816927 2 5 54 "withGuar" .22233166 4.030279 3.988984 3.616482 3 4 17 "noGuar" 1.2237754 2.8603 2.833213 4.0173717 3 4.5 10 "noGuar" 1.2237754 2.2484121 2.3025851 3.816927 3 5 5 "noGuar" 1.2237754 1.6365244 1.609438 3.616482 3 4 26 "withGuar" .9555115 3.2947736 3.2580965 4.0173717 3 4.5 18 "withGuar" .9555115 2.817018 2.890372 3.816927 3 5 10 "withGuar" .9555115 2.339262 2.3025851 3.616482 4 3.5 37 "noGuar" .57818496 3.668399 3.610918 4.2178164 4 4 30 "noGuar" .57818496 3.3793066 3.4011974 4.0173717 4 4.5 25 "noGuar" .57818496 3.090214 3.218876 3.816927 4 5 15 "noGuar" .57818496 2.801122 2.70805 3.616482 4 2.5 60 "withGuar" .3793953 4.0677114 4.0943446 4.618706 4 3 46 "withGuar" .3793953 3.878014 3.8286414 4.4182615 4 3.5 40 "withGuar" .3793953 3.688316 3.6888795 4.2178164 4 4 35 "withGuar" .3793953 3.4986186 3.555348 4.0173717 4 4.5 26 "withGuar" .3793953 3.308921 3.2580965 3.816927 4 5 23 "withGuar" .3793953 3.119223 3.135494 3.616482 5 4 20 "noGuar" 1.609438 3.032923 2.995732 4.0173717 5 4.5 10 "noGuar" 1.609438 2.228204 2.3025851 3.816927 5 5 4 "noGuar" 1.609438 1.423485 1.3862944 3.616482 5 4 22 "withGuar" 1.299283 3.105544 3.0910425 4.0173717 5 4.5 12 "withGuar" 1.299283 2.455903 2.484907 3.816927 5 5 6 "withGuar" 1.299283 1.8062614 1.7917595 3.616482 6 4 25 "noGuar" .9162908 3.2620895 3.218876 4.0173717 6 4.5 18 "noGuar" .9162908 2.803944 2.890372 3.816927 6 5 10 "noGuar" .9162908 2.345799 2.3025851 3.616482 6 1.67 50 "withGuar" .3639005 3.892754 3.912023 4.951445 6 2 42 "withGuar" .3639005 3.772667 3.73767 4.819151 6 2.5 32 "withGuar" .3639005 3.590717 3.465736 4.618706 6 3 35 "withGuar" .3639005 3.4087665 3.555348 4.4182615 6 3.5 26 "withGuar" .3639005 3.226816 3.2580965 4.2178164 6 4 23 "withGuar" .3639005 3.044866 3.135494 4.0173717 6 4.5 15 "withGuar" .3639005 2.862916 2.70805 3.816927 6 5 15 "withGuar" .3639005 2.6809654 2.70805 3.616482 7 4 40 "noGuar" .3566749 3.703815 3.6888795 4.0173717 7 4.5 35 "noGuar" .3566749 3.5254774 3.555348 3.816927 7 5 28 "noGuar" .3566749 3.34714 3.3322046 3.616482 7 3 61 "withGuar" .1965659 4.101937 4.1108737 4.4182615 7 3.5 55 "withGuar" .1965659 4.003654 4.0073333 4.2178164 7 4 48 "withGuar" .1965659 3.905371 3.871201 4.0173717 7 4.5 46 "withGuar" .1965659 3.807088 3.8286414 3.816927 end
regress lnalcohol time if diet == "withGuar" & id == 1 regress lnalcohol time if diet == "noGuar" & id == 1 regress lnalcohol time if diet == "withGuar" & id == 2 regress lnalcohol time if diet == "noGuar" & id == 2
predict pred_rep, xb
regress lnalcohol time if diet == "noGuar" & id == 2
How do I combine the regression codes above to form one output to resolve this problem?
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