Good morning,

I would like to evaluate an effect of a shock (my treatment, let's call T) in a variable (Y) using X as my covariate (a binary variable), using a propensity score matching. I would like to do the following:

1) Estimate the propensity score using a Logit model
2) Apply a matching algorithm (kernel matching) using the differences in the propensity score.

I have been looking and I have found two ways to do it in stata: psmatch2 and kmatch.

With psmatch2, I will do in this way: psmatch2 T, outcome(Y) pscore(X) kerneltype(uniform) logit

With kmatch, I will do in this way: kmatch ps T X (I am not sure where to put the outcome with this command)

Do I am doing well with psmatch2?

On the other hand, I would like to ask you (probably it is a bit theorerical question more than a question of using stata) if it is possible to add time fixed effect (year) and country fixed effect in this strategy?. If so, so have I to include them in pscore?

