Hi, I am using xtgee command to estimate DP with IV in fractional form on a balanced panel data but I am seeing the error saying "convergence not achieved". Could you please tell me, what could be the issue?? Thanks

. xtgee secoga maleshare fieldcropshare permanentcropshare grazinglivestockshare mixedshare y
> oungshare middleagedshare mediumecosize largeecosize, fam(bin) corr(uns) link(logit) vce(r)

Iteration 1: tolerance = .71534949
Iteration 2: tolerance = .24228213
Iteration 3: tolerance = .11694731
Iteration 4: tolerance = .05205944
Iteration 5: tolerance = .03279286
Iteration 6: tolerance = .01936679
Iteration 7: tolerance = .01044929
Iteration 8: tolerance = .00529659
Iteration 9: tolerance = .00258421
Iteration 10: tolerance = .00123415
Iteration 11: tolerance = .00058279
Iteration 12: tolerance = .00027363
Iteration 13: tolerance = .0001281
Iteration 14: tolerance = .00005989
Iteration 15: tolerance = .00002798
Iteration 16: tolerance = .00001306
Iteration 17: tolerance = 6.099e-06
Iteration 18: tolerance = 2.847e-06
Iteration 19: tolerance = 1.329e-06
Iteration 20: tolerance = 6.202e-07

GEE population-averaged model Number of obs = 132
Group and time vars: country1 year Number of groups = 28
Link: logit Obs per group:
Family: binomial min = 2
Correlation: unstructured avg = 4.7
max = 5
Wald chi2(9) = 200.02
Scale parameter: 1 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000

(Std. Err. adjusted for clustering on country1)
| Robust
secoga | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
maleshare | 1.870962 .7572241 2.47 0.013 .3868305 3.355094
fieldcropshare | .5345515 .6597976 0.81 0.418 -.758628 1.827731
permanentcropshare | -1.860907 .8868627 -2.10 0.036 -3.599126 -.1226886
grazinglivestockshare | .5392097 .6979037 0.77 0.440 -.8286564 1.907076
mixedshare | -1.601927 1.070144 -1.50 0.134 -3.699371 .4955175
youngshare | -4.408208 4.985314 -0.88 0.377 -14.17924 5.362828
middleagedshare | 1.773177 1.34692 1.32 0.188 -.8667377 4.413093
mediumecosize | 2.786014 1.219492 2.28 0.022 .3958538 5.176175
largeecosize | -1.054999 .842321 -1.25 0.210 -2.705918 .5959194
_cons | -4.381276 1.28008 -3.42 0.001 -6.890187 -1.872365
convergence not achieved