The model:
Ordinal variable = α + β1 nominal + β2 ordinal + β3 scale + Error term
I want to apply the above model to predict the dependent variable via the independent variables.
- So in this case, I think I should use the ordered logistic regression. If, not, please do correct me. The code I think will be:
Ologit Ordinal variable nominal scale
margins, dydx (variablelist) marginsplot
I have a variable that consists of two groups, and I need to examine if there are significant differences between the two groups or not, so in this case, I think I need to create another dummy variable coded 1 for the first group and 2 for the second group.
- In this case, I think I need to apply the independent sample test, if, not, please do correct me?
- One of the independent variables is gender, I am very interested in finding whether the component of gender I mean male and female have different predictions on the dependent variable or not, so could you please tell me what is the code if I can do that?
Thanks very much in advance
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