Hi everyone
ı deeply searched about my problem but ı couldnt find a solution.
Here is my problem about importing from excel.
ı have 21 sectors and 132 monthly excel files. I want to import for every sector(j) with different cell range. cell range begins with cellrange(A15:I19) for the first sector and row increases by 7, column increases by 7. but ı cant put these increasing cell ranges to loop.
First sector j=1 cellrange(A15:I19)
Second sector j=2 cellrange(A22:I26)
forval j= 1/21{
forval i= 1/132{
import excel using C:\Users\a`i'.xls, sheet(blabla) cellrange(A15:I19) clear
gen sectorid = `j'
gen time = `i'
save s`j'`i'.dta,replace
thanks for your kindly response.
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