Dear StataList Members,
I am trying to estimate the household composition for female children in their duration of breastfeeding.
Bfduration2 ---> continous variable that indicates the number of months that children receive breastmilk.
Female --> 1=female, 0=male
Total --> Total number of "older" siblings (it is a continous variable and indicates the child's older number of brothers/sisters)
Male Fraction --> It is the fraction of "older" male siblings.
Ideal Distance ---> It is a measurement variable taking discrete values between -14 and +12. It basically measures the distance between mother's ideal family size.
Here is my code to estimate the shown model.
reg bfduration2 i.female total malefraction ideal_distance c.ideal_distance#i.female c.malefraction#i.female i.child_birth_year i.child_birth_month [aw=V005] if age_months>=36 & survey_year!=2018, vce(robust)
I do not know how to interpret those.
For example, I try for female, total, and female*total. Are the below-mentioned intrepretations true?
1) The duration of breastfeeding is 2.61 months less than males. (this is for female coef)
2) One additional increase in the total number of older siblings extends breastfeeding duration by 1.59 months for male children (for total coef)
3) One additional increase in the total number of female older sibling has no effect on breastfeeding duration for females (for female*total coef). (For this, I am mistaken I guess)
Can you please correct me in a precise manner? Thank you very much in advance.
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