Hi all,

I know there have been many previous posts about interpreting coefficients of difference in differences, but I am still not sure about my interpretation.

My dependent variable "performance" is calculated as operating income divided by lagged total assets. It's a proportion, it ranges between 0 and 1.
My treatment variable is the tax amount divided by total revenue of the firm. This is also a proportion, it ranges between 0 and 1.
The variable "post" is a dummy variable with the value 0 for the period without the tax and the value 1 for the period with the tax.

The coefficient of the treatment variable on the dependent variable is -0.111. How do I interpret this variable?

The coefficient of the interaction variable of the treatment variable and the "post" variable, so treatment*post, is 0.140.
Does this imply that a 1 percentage point increase in the interaction variable, increases the dependent variable "performance" with 0.14 percentage point?

Thanks in advance!