I'm sure there other (and better) ways to do it, so feel free signal these below. Also feel free to convert this to an ado if you feel so.
I hope it helps someone:
// correlation definitions // ----------------------- sysuse auto, clear loc myvars price mpg rep78 headroom weight length displacement gear_ratio foreign pwcorr `myvars' mat A = r(C) clear svmat2 A, rnames(vars) gen id1 = _n reshape long A, i(vars) j(id2) order vars id1 id2 A sort id1 id2 ren A corr format %9.3f corr // heatmap definitions // ------------------- loc targetvar corr loc xnum id1 loc ynum id2 loc num = 0 loc labels = "" foreach x of loc myvars { loc num = `num'+1 loc ylabels = `"`ylabels' `num' "`x'""' loc xlabels = `"`xlabels' `num' "' } di `"`ylabels'"' di `"`xlabels'"' * colors & options * ---------------- loc poscol blue // green loc negcol yellow // red loc msize = 5 // marker size loc posmlabc white // label colors loc negmlabc black // label colors loc mlabs = 2 // label size loc hmoptions = `"leg(off) xsize(10) ysize(10) ysc(rev) xsc(alt) plotr(fc(white) lc(black) m(3 3 3 3)) graphr(c(white)) xtitle(" ") ytitle(" ") "' * thresholds * ---------- loc posmax = 1 loc negmax = -1 loc posstep = 10 // add more or less positive shades loc negstep = 10 // add more or less negative shades loc myhm = "" // positive val loops loc step= `posmax'/`posstep' loc prevx = 0 forv x = 0 (`step') `posmax' { loc myhm = "`myhm' (scatter `ynum' `xnum' if `targetvar'>`prevx' & `targetvar'<=`x'" /// + ", ml(`targetvar') mlabs(`mlabs') mlabc(`posmlabc') mlabpos(0) m(S) msize(`msize') mc(`poscol'*" /// + strofreal(`x'/`posmax')+"))" loc prevx = `x' di "`x'" } loc myhm = "`myhm' (scatter `ynum' `xnum' if `targetvar'>`prevx' & `targetvar'<=`posmax'" /// + ", ml(`targetvar') mlabs(`mlabs') mlabc(`posmlabc') mlabpos(0) m(S) msize(`msize') mc(`poscol'*1))" // negative val loops loc step= `negmax'/`negstep' loc prevx = 0 forv x = 0 (`step') `negmax' { loc myhm = "`myhm' (scatter `ynum' `xnum' if `targetvar'<`prevx' & `targetvar'>=`x'" /// + ", ml(`targetvar') mlabs(`mlabs') mlabc(`negmlabc') mlabpos(0) m(S) msize(`msize') mc(`negcol'*" /// + strofreal(`x'/`negmax')+"))" loc prevx = `x' di "`x'" } loc myhm = "`myhm' (scatter `ynum' `xnum' if `targetvar'<`prevx' & `targetvar'>=`negmax'" /// + ", ml(`targetvar') mlabs(`mlabs') mlabc(`negmlabc') mlabpos(0) m(S) msize(`msize') mc(`negcol'*1))" di "`myhm'" gr tw `myhm' , `hmoptions' /// ylabel(`ylabels' , noticks labs(2.66) labgap(vsmall) angle(0) nogrid) /// xlabel(`xlabels' , noticks labs(2.66) labgap(vsmall) angle(0) nogrid )
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