This is post to share how to make a heatmap based on a correlation matrix (as in picture attached).

I'm sure there other (and better) ways to do it, so feel free signal these below. Also feel free to convert this to an ado if you feel so.

I hope it helps someone:

// correlation definitions
// -----------------------
sysuse auto, clear
loc myvars price mpg rep78 headroom weight length displacement gear_ratio foreign

pwcorr `myvars'
mat A = r(C)
svmat2 A, rnames(vars)
gen id1 = _n
reshape long A, i(vars) j(id2)
order vars id1 id2 A
sort id1 id2 
ren A corr

format %9.3f corr 

// heatmap definitions
// -------------------
loc targetvar corr
loc xnum id1
loc ynum id2

loc num = 0 
loc labels = "" 
foreach x of loc myvars {
loc num = `num'+1 
loc ylabels = `"`ylabels' `num' "`x'""'
loc xlabels = `"`xlabels' `num' "' 
di `"`ylabels'"'
di `"`xlabels'"'

* colors & options
* ----------------
loc poscol blue // green
loc negcol yellow // red 
loc msize = 5 // marker size
loc posmlabc white // label colors
loc negmlabc black // label colors
loc mlabs = 2 // label size
loc hmoptions = `"leg(off) xsize(10) ysize(10) ysc(rev) xsc(alt) plotr(fc(white) lc(black)  m(3 3 3 3)) graphr(c(white)) xtitle(" ") ytitle(" ") "' 

* thresholds
* ----------
loc posmax = 1
loc negmax = -1 

loc posstep = 10 // add more or less positive shades
loc negstep = 10 // add more or less negative shades

loc myhm = ""
// positive val loops
loc step= `posmax'/`posstep'
loc prevx = 0
forv x = 0 (`step') `posmax' {
loc myhm = "`myhm' (scatter `ynum' `xnum' if `targetvar'>`prevx' & `targetvar'<=`x'" ///
         + ", ml(`targetvar') mlabs(`mlabs') mlabc(`posmlabc') mlabpos(0) m(S) msize(`msize') mc(`poscol'*" ///
         + strofreal(`x'/`posmax')+"))"
loc prevx = `x'
di "`x'"
loc myhm = "`myhm' (scatter `ynum' `xnum' if `targetvar'>`prevx' & `targetvar'<=`posmax'" ///
         + ", ml(`targetvar') mlabs(`mlabs') mlabc(`posmlabc') mlabpos(0) m(S) msize(`msize') mc(`poscol'*1))"

// negative val loops
loc step= `negmax'/`negstep'
loc prevx = 0
forv x = 0 (`step') `negmax' {
loc myhm = "`myhm' (scatter `ynum' `xnum' if `targetvar'<`prevx' & `targetvar'>=`x'" ///
         + ", ml(`targetvar') mlabs(`mlabs') mlabc(`negmlabc') mlabpos(0) m(S) msize(`msize') mc(`negcol'*" ///
         + strofreal(`x'/`negmax')+"))"
loc prevx = `x'
di "`x'"
loc myhm = "`myhm' (scatter `ynum' `xnum' if `targetvar'<`prevx' & `targetvar'>=`negmax'" ///
         + ", ml(`targetvar') mlabs(`mlabs') mlabc(`negmlabc') mlabpos(0) m(S) msize(`msize') mc(`negcol'*1))"
         di "`myhm'"
gr tw `myhm' , `hmoptions' ///
  ylabel(`ylabels' , noticks labs(2.66) labgap(vsmall) angle(0) nogrid) /// 
  xlabel(`xlabels' , noticks labs(2.66) labgap(vsmall) angle(0) nogrid )