Date_of_Marriage |
911990 |
10111990 |
7121990 |
1021990 |
1051990 |
10151990 |
10261990 |
10161990 |
1061990 |
Date_of_Marriage |
9/11/990 |
10/11/1990 |
7/12/1990 |
10/2/1990 |
10/5/1990 |
10/15/1990 |
10/26/1990 |
10/16/1990 |
10/6/1990 |
Since this variable not only does not have consistent format, nor seperator for month, date and year, I don't think I can simply use following code to do that
gen Marriage = date(Date_of_Marriagae, "DMY") formate birthday %d
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