The trick is that the paper controls for "year" fixed effects (FE), along with firm fixed effects (two-way FE model). However, the key (macroeconomic) variable "OILVOL" is the same for all firms for each year. Clearly, it is "perfectly correlated" with year FEs. It can be seemed by the following code (ssc install reghdfe):
// Table 4, column (1) reghdfe esg oilvol size i.year, a(id) vce(cl id year) reghdfe esg oilvol size, a(id year) vce(cl id year)
reghdfe esg oilvol size i.year, a(id) vce(cl id year)
However, from
reghdfe esg oilvol size, a(id year) vce(cl id year)
Thus, my question is that do the results in Table 4 make sense?
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