I have just recently started to learn about pseudo-panel data, and I have some questions that I hope you guys can help me with.
So basically, I have repeated cross-sectional data, and I wanted to construct pseudo-panel data by using birth years as cohorts. So the code I used to create the cohorts is
egen cohort=group(birth_year)
Following the literature, I implemented the means of variables into the regression by constructing:
bysort cohort t: egen x1mean=mean(x1) bysort cohort t: egen x2mean=mean(x2) bysort cohort t: egen ymean=mean(y)
Then I applied a standard panel regression command:
xtset cohort t xtreg ymean x1mean x2mean, fe
Please correct me if my codes seem abnormal.
Thank you for your help and stay safe.
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