Dear everyone,

I am new to this page. I want to ask two questions, please

I want to apologize if I am unclear. Stata is quite challenging for me but I try to learn!

Question 1:
At line 31-38 of my do-file, I try to see if my data suffers from serial (auto) correlation using the Bgodfrey test.
However, I get the error: estat bgodfrey not valid r(321).

Question 2:
At line no. 77 of my do-file I try to generate a new vb based on the variables `x'_XB (=not the residuals) and `x'rs`i' (= residuals). However, Stata gives an error.
I generated `x'_XB at line 54, and I predicted x'rs`i' at line 28

I attached my do-file and my excel data file.

Could you please give me some answer to the problems that I met? I tried everything. What should I do?

All the best from the Netherlands and many, many thanks for helping me graduate,