I am very fond of the flexible coefplot and use it to graph all my models these days. However, for publication it would be nice to print the actual estimates in numbers next to the graph e.g. as y-axis labels on an alternative y-axis. I have struggled, but have so far failed.
I want to use coefplot, because it can easily plot adjusted and unandjusted estimates on the same graph. I have posted an example below, which is based on the manual page of coefplot (http://repec.sowi.unibe.ch/stata/coe...g-started.html)
sysuse auto, clear regress price mpg trunk length turn if foreign==0 estimates store D regress price mpg trunk length turn if foreign==1 estimates store F coefplot (D, offset(0.05)) (F, offset(-0.05)), drop(_cons) xline(0) /// mlabel(string(@b,"%9.1f")+"("+string(@ll,"%9.1f")+"-"+string(@ul,"%9.1f")+")"+", {it:p} = "+string(@pval,"%9.3f")) /// mlabposition(3) mlabgap(*0.4) mlabsize(vsmall)
Thank you for time!
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