Hi everyone,

I am having some issues clearing results out of outreg2.

I have the following code:
capture erase "`tables'all_hosp_full.xls"
foreach v of varlist hosp_within_year hosp_within_six hosp_ever hosp_visits inp_within_six inp_within_year inp_ever inp_visits {
rdbwselect `v' riskx, kernel(tri) p(1) c(0) bwselect(mserd)
local bandwidth_`v'=e(h_mserd)
local bandhalf_`v'=(`bandwidth_`v''/2)
local banddouble_`v'=(`bandwidth_`v''*2)
rdrobust `v' riskx, p(1) c(0) bwselect(mserd)
outreg2 using "`tables'all_hosp_full.xls", append
rdrobust `v' riskx, p(1) c(0) h(`bandhalf_`v'')
outreg2 using "`tables'all_hosp_full.xls", append
rdrobust `v' riskx, p(2) c(0) bwselect(mserd)
outreg2 using "`tables'all_hosp_full.xls", append
rdrobust `v' riskx, p(2) c(0) h(`banddouble_`v'')
outreg2 using "`tables'all_hosp_full.xls", append
Everytime I run this, it compiles on top of the results. I am lost as to why. Thanks for your help!