For some context: I'm attempting a fixed effects regression on panel data. When I performed the regression with classical standard errors, I got significant coefficients on my variables of interest. However, when I took robust standard errors, significance disappeared.
To check whether I have correct model specification, I followed the method outlined here by Prof. Silva. I used the following code:
areg y x i.year,a(ID) cluster (ID) predict y_hat gen y_h_2=y_hat*y_hat gen y_h_3=y_h_2*y_hat gen y_h_4=y_h_3*y_hat areg y x y_h_2 y_h_3 y_h_4 i.year,a(ID) cluster (ID) test y_h_2 y_h_3 y_h_4
F( 3, 1924) = 0.97 Prob > F = 0.4051
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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