My data editor displays the following:
country year ExpJanuary ImpJanuary ExpFebruary ImpFebruary DE 2006 1210361 19155.856 16259.211 44356.061 FR 2006 1930305 23593.872 19155.856 32746.159 PT 2006 2396189 15831.303 22799.084 15831.303 HU 2006 2180976 38385.497 38385.497 22475.737 SE 2006 4231964 28908270 44356.061 22799.084 SK 2006 4605479 51528.886 57326.837 32150.922 SL 2006 5494027 32150.922 51528.886 15831.303 GB 2006 6568278 22475.737 44319.921 32150.922 BE 2006 28908270 44319.921 33423.742 19802.394 DE 2007 51321281 22475.737 15831.303 22799.084 FR 2007 890429 16259.211 22475.737 33423.742 PT 2007 5754045 15831.303 32746.159 22475.737 HU 2007 6443940 15831.303 31139.873 57326.837 SE 2007 8168050 16259.211 35730.191 22475.737 SK 2007 1321281 22475.737 15831.303 22799.084 SL 2007 1598655 23593.872 19802.394 22475.737 GB 2007 1300962 19155.856 23593.872 44356.061 BE 2007 890429 16259.211 22475.737 33423.742
country year Month Exp Imp DE 2006 January 1210361 19155.856 DE 2006 February 16259.211 44356.061 FR 2006 January 1930305 23593.872 FR 2006 February 19155.856 32746.159 .... DE 2007 January 321281 22475.737 DE 2007 February 15831.303 22799.084 FR 2007 January 890429 16259.211 FR 2007 February 22475.737 33423.742
I was trying to do it with the following command:
reshape long Exp, i(year) j(Month)
but it did not work for some reason.
Hope you guys can help me!
Many thanks in advance!
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