
I am using National Survey Data (specifically, UK LCF) for Regression Analysis that contains a variable weighta described as following: Array

I really don't know which of the following Stata specifications (from "help weight") for weighting is suitable to apply to my variable weighta. Can you please help me? Array

Here you can see how my the values for my weighta variable look like; they are not integer so this makes me doubt fweight specification in Stata would fit, but I am still not sure about any of the others. Array

Also I need to apply my variables "weighta" within the following regression:

logit repair sav_rate inc_a age fam HighEd1 price_ratio ib1.d2001 d2002 d2003 d2004 d2005 d2006 d2007 d2008 d2009 d2010 d2011 d2012 d2013 d2014 d2015 d2016 d2017 d2018

where the the variables d20** are dummies for the year indeed.

Once I have assessed which STATA weight specification I need to use eg [pweight = weighta], I am not sure where I need to position this within the regression. At the end? Next to all the household specific features like "age" and "fam" (ie size of the household)?

I have also run into the following example by typing "help svy" on the STATA consol, but it seems hard to interpret. Especially I did not get what "psuid" variable stand for.

Thank you in advance!

