
I am trying to create 10 datasets of simulated survival data and store the estimates in one table.

I have created the following code:

foreach sim of num 1/10 {
set obs 1000
gen trt=rbinomial(1,0.3)
survsim time state event , hazard1(dist(weibull) lambda(0.1) gamma(1.6) covariates (trt 0.7)) hazard2(dist(weibull) lambda(0.1) gamma(1.6) covariates(trt 0.7)) maxtime(5)

stset time1, failure (state1==2)
eststo stcox1_`sim': stcox i.trt, nohr
eststo stccreg1_`sim': stcrreg i.trt, compete(state1==3) noshr

stset time1, failure (state1==3)
eststo stcox2_`sim': stcox i.trt, nohr
eststo stcrreg2_`sim': stcrreg i.trt, compete(state1==2) noshr


esttab _all using estimates, p scalars(N_compete N_censor N_fail)

There are 4 regression per dataset. In the end I need to store 40 estimates and their mean survival times as well. However, I cannot store mean survival times because p50 is an r-class variable and esttab only produces e-class variables.

Also when I run the above code, it only saves the estimate for the last data set.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you.