So I am relatively new to stata and I need to find the power function for a two-sided test for which the lambda value <=4.
input spec
generate a1 = runiform()
generate a2 = -3.3<=a1<=4.7
generate lambda = a2<=4
scalar n=3
scalar si=0.2
twoway function y=normal((sqrt(n)*(lambda)/si ///
-invnormal(0.975)) + (sqrt(n)*(lambda)/si ///
-invnormal(0.975))), range(0.5 0.9) ///
title ("Power function") ytitle("power") ///
yline (0 0.05 1, lp(dash) lc(gs1))
This is the programme that I have been trying to execute but the last part from the two-way graph is creating problems. Everytime I try to run it, it shows r100 parenthesis needed. Can someone please help me out and tell me where am I going wrong in the last part where I need to plot the graph for the power function.