If you use the relogit package (Tomz, King, and Zeng), you may be interested in an addon I wrote which draws predictive margins plots based on relogitq's absolute risk quantities and confidence intervals for a given variable.

After running a relogit regression, use relogitplot to show how the probability of y=1 changes across values of x, holding other variables at a given value or statistic.

For example:

set obs 10000
gen y = cond(_n>300,0,1)
gen x = runiform()
relogit y x
relogitplot x, range(0 0.05 1) scheme(s1mono) legend(off) xtitle(X) ytitle(Pr(Y)=1) title(Predictive margins with 95% CIs)

The program can be installed using:

net install relogitplot, from("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/al...ogitplot/main/")
The original relogit package, which is required to use relogitplot, can be found at: https://gking.harvard.edu/relogit