I would like to create ratios of the value of different asset types for one group as a share of other groups. (Note these groups are categories within a nominal variable with 9 categories - 1-9). Each asset type is a continuous variable). The following is my attempt at coding the rules for four groups (reg1 - reg4):
local varlist totasset totfin totbank totcashi totequity totins totnonfin totprop totbus totveh foreach i in local varlist { gen reg1 = `i' if group == 3 / (`i' * inlist(group, 3, 4, 5)) // ratio of group3's assets as a share of groups 3, 4 & 5. gen reg2 = `i' if group == 3 / (`i' * inlist(group, 3, 4)) // ratio of group3's assets as a share of groups 3 & 4. gen reg3 = `i' if group == 3 / (`i' * inlist(group, 3, 5)) // ratio of group3's assets as a share of groups 3 & 5. gen reg4 = `i' if group== 4 / (`i' * inlist(group, 4, 5)) // ratio of group4's assets as a share of groups 4 & 5. }
local varlist totasset totfin totbank totcashi totequity totins totnonfin totprop totbus totveh foreach i in local varlist {
foreach j in reg1 reg2 reg3 reg4 {
gen `i'_`j' = `i' if `j' }
I then plan to graph these ratios of asset values (separately) over age to see the change over the lifecycle.
Help is kindly appreciated.
Stata v.15.1. I am using panel data.
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