When I use count data model to analyze my panel data with fixed effects, like -xtpoisson, fe-, I have questions about how to address my interaction effects.
In my project, The dependent variable is the number of patents (npatent) and independent variables include customer concentration (CC), customer dependence (CD), and supplier-customer years of linkage (Linkage).
The full xtpoisson model is like: npatent = t*exp(β0 + β1*CC + β2*CD + β3*Linkage + β4*CC*Linkage + β5*CD*LInkage).
I could use
xtpoisson npatent CC CD Linkage c.CC#c.Linkage c.CD#c.Linkage $controls i.SIC i.fyear, fe
However, I want to plot interaction effects that manifest how Linkage moderates CC and CD. Therefore, I encounter two problems:
1. I have read previous threads saying that margins after -xtpoisson, fe- produces meaningless results. This makes me confused about how to properly express interaction effects via plots.
2. As a trial, I use, for example, the below code to plot interaction term CC*Linkage.
xtpoisson npatent CC CD Linkage c.CC#c.Linkage c.CD#c.Linkage $controls i.SIC i.fyear, fe quietly margins, at(CC=(0(0.05)0.3) Linkage=(1(2)11)) vsquish marginsplot
Appreciate guys for any suggestion. Thanks
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