Dear StataList Users,
I have attached a small and a relevant portion of my data.
V010 stands for mother's year of birth
bfduration2 stands for the duration of breastfeeding given in months
age_months stands for the children's age given in months.
I tried to make a graph to see discontinuity after the cut-off (year of birth = 1986, there was a compulsory education law that affected women who born after 1987. Yet, the treatment status of women born in 1986 is fuzzy)
When I run these codes, I see less dots(points) around the lines even though my n's are large enough.
For example,
when I use this command "cmogram bfduration2 V010 if V010<1998, cut(1986) scatter line(1986) lfit", my number of obs is 7554 (N=7554) but I could not see7554 dots around my lines. I do not understand why is that the case?
Similar problems exist in the following commands.
cmogram bfduration2 V010 if V010<1998 & age_months>=36, cut(1986) scatter line(1986) lfit (N=2444)
cmogram bfduration2 V010 if V010<1998 & age_months>=48, cut(1986) scatter line(1986) lfit (N=1158)
Thank you in advance.
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