Im trying to generate a bar chart with one of the bars representing the average value across all IDs. And that bar should be the only differentiated color among the others.
So using syuse data, this is what i attempted with an error rejecting the "if" option
sysuse auto, clear
sort price
*add an observation for the average
expand 2 in L
replace price = . in L
egen avgprice =mean(price)
replace price = avgprice in L
replace make = "Average" in L
graph hbar price , over(make, sort(1) descending axis(off)) blabel(group, size(tiny)) bar(1 , bcolor(maroon))
*change the color of only the bar for "Average"
graph hbar price , over(make, sort(1) descending axis(off)) blabel(group, size(tiny)) bar(1 if make == "Average", bcolor(maroon))
error: option if not allowed
How do I get a bar graph with one of the bars representing the average score of the values across the IDs and highlighting that with a different color? Also, I do not want the average bar to be included in the legend.
Thank you for your assistance.
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