
My name is Jan, and I would like to find the turning point for my regression. I looked at previous posts about this but was not able to find the specific code to use.

If helpful here is the full regression I use reghdfe ln_bank_zscore L1.Lernerindex c.L1.Lernerindex#c.L1.Lernerindex L1.ln_gdp_per_capita L1.ln_bank_size L1.private_credit_to_gpd L1.Bankcapitaltototalassets L1.BankdepositstoGDP L1.Banknoninterestincometototal Bankingcrisisdummy L1.Bankreturnonassetsafter L1.Stockmarketturnoverratio L1.Inflatie, absorb(countrynum Year)

Thank you in advance,

Kind regards,

Jan Krimpel
