Dear Stata Users,

I am computing a multinomial logit and its predicted probabilities - command margins- as follows:

PHP Code:
svymlogit uniontype2  i.durationtype  i.employ2 ,  level(90)  rrr base 
PHP Code:
 marginslevel(90pr(out(1)) pr(out(2)) pr(out(0)) vsquish vce(unconditionalforce atmeans post at(employ2=(1(1)4)) 
I am using marginsplot (mplotoffset for being precise) to graph the predicted probabilities with specific values of employ2.

PHP Code:
mplotoffset ,   xdim(_outcome)  legendlabel("E/E"label("M/U,F/E"label("M/E,F/U"label("M/U,F/U"size(smallring(5symxsize(*0.5row(2)) ytitle("Probability"height(10)) title("Employment (a)"offset(.1recast(scatter)  plotregion(lcol(black))  xlab(,labsize(small) )  xtitle(""plot2opts(msymbol(D)   fcol(blackfintensity(30)) plot1opts(  fcol(blackfintensity(15) ) ci2opts(recast(rcap)) ci1opts(recast(rcap) ) plot3opts(msymbol(T)   fcol(blackfintensity(50)) plot4opts(msymbol(S)   fcol(blackfintensity(70)) xlab("Continuing coh" "Dissolution" 3"Marriage"labsize(medsmall)) ci4opts(recast(rcap) ) ci3opts(recast(rcap)  ) ylab(0(.1)1

Outcome 0 ("continuing coh") has a much higher predicted probability than the other two. Is there the possibility of introducing a second axis for outcome 0 and then allow a smoother comparison of trends for each outcome?


Thank you very much.

- Lydia