Hi there,
I am using Stata 15 and I am having trouble using the command graph. This is the code I am using:
mylabels 0(10)40, local(pctlabel) suffix("%")
graph hbar rt, ylab(`pctlabel') over(var1, sort(1)) over(var2) ///
blabel(total, format(%4.0f) color(black)) ylabel() ytitle("") ///
title ("Some Title", position(12) color("0 43 92"))
var1 and var2 are categorical variables.
I realized that, when using this code, I get the same values of var1 for each category of var2, despite the fact that not all var1 categories have a correspondence with var2.
Is there a way I can use graph bar to graph and display the labels of only those categories of var1 that are "not empty".
I am attaching an image that may explain better my question.
Thanks in advance for your help.
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