I have a situation where i need to regress multiple dependent variables with multiple independent variables, but my attempts at regressing and creating publication worthy TeX files have been unsuccessful. I am including one of my attempts here:
foreach x in x1 x2 x3{ foreach y in y1 y2 y3 y4 y5{ eststo: reg `y' `x' i.year, vce(cluster treatment_level estadd fixed effect “yes”} } esttab using “regressions_stacking.tex”, replace f /// cells(b(fmt(2)) se(fmt(2) star par)) drop(i.year) /// label booktabs noobs nonotes nomtitle collabels(none) ///
y1~x1 y2~x1 y3~x1 y4~x1 y5~x1 y1~x2 y2~x2 y3~x2 y4~x2 y5~x2 and so on
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